Occupational therapy is the evaluation and treatment of skills necessary to participate in everyday activities. Common occupational therapy interventions include helping children acquire skills to participate fully in school and social situations, sensory processing issues, improving visual processing difficulties, assist in recovering from injury to regain skills, and providing support for older adults experiencing physical and cognitive changes.
Therapy Services in Navarre Florida
Occupational Therapy
- Fine motor skills
- Self-care skills
- Hand writing skills
- Visual perceptual skills
- Visual motor skills
- Sensory Integration
- Constraint Induced Movement Therapy
Fine Motor and Sensory Milestones
0 to 6 Months
Fine Motor Development
- Hands are frequently open.
- Supports head for more than a moment when held upright.
Sensory Development
- Visually tracks a moving toy from side to side while lying on back.
- While lying on back, keeps head centered to watch faces or toys
- Able to be calmed with rocking, touching,and gentle sounds.
- Enjoys a variety of movements (ex. bouncing on knee).
6 to 12 Months
Fine Motor Development
- Plays with hands by touching them together.
- Begins to hold bottle independently around 9 months.
Sensory Development
- Observes environment from a variety of positions – while lying on back or tummy, sitting, crawling, and standing with assistance.
- Enjoys listening to music.
- Explores toys with fingers and mouth.
- Crawls to, or away from, objects seen at a distance.
12 to 18 Months
Fine Motor Development
- Uses index finger in isolation to explore toys.
- Feeds self with thumb and forefinger.
- Removes toys from a container.
Sensory Development
- Has a regular sleep schedule.
- Eats and increasing variety of foods.
18 Months to 2 Years
Fine Motor Development
- Imitates scribbling with a crayon.
- Can stack blocks 3 to 4 cubes high.
- Manipulates toys into containers.
2 to 3 Years
Fine Motor Development
- Attempts to use a utensil for feeding.
- Snips paper edge with scissors.
- Imitates horizontal and vertical lines with a crayon.
Milestones Matter
Learn the signs, act early. Contact us today if you are concerned about your child’s milestones.